Spray paint booths represent one of the greatest improvements made toward cost-effective productivity in modern manufacturing. You maybe have some items to paint in a spray booth, like cars, trucks, boats, planes, parts and furniture, no matter what size, industry or application, we can design to fit your needs...
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As a leader in paint booth technology in China, GZ GUANGLI manufactures an extensive line of high-performance paint booths, paint prep stations, mixing rooms with advanced curing technology for automotive body shops and collision repair centers across all regions around the world...
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GZ Guangli’s paint booth man lift is a personnel access platform powered by compressed air without the use of any power supply. This man lift allows operator to easily reach the entire paint job by moving up and down, left and right, in and out, achieving three dimensional movement control.
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In addition to supply large amount of standard paint booths, as a China leading paint booths manufacturer, we are also able to provide you with a custom spray booth solution and get it delivered quickly. Over half of the spray paint booths that we sell are designed specifically for our customer's needs.
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